Sunday 14 April 2013

Additional Resources

Web links:

A great starting point for amp building and design. Excellent active forum with many discussions covering basic to advanced amp building issues.

Merlin Blencowe's web site. A great supplementary source of information but his books are much more comprehensive (see books).

the focus of the site is on high gain amps (see Slo 100) but resources related to other amps are covered (see Mesa Boogie, Engl, etc).

Trainwreck and Dumble amps are the main focus here. There are additional resources for Fender, VOX and Marshalls.


I highly recommend 'Designing Tube Preamps for Guitar and Bass' by Merlin Blencowe (ISBN: 0956154506). It's an excellent reference for value preamp theory plus it provides a number of alternative design suggestions not commonly implemented in traditional value amp designs.

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